Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Caribou News Dec 23, 2008


Eight men out!
Toronto Sun - Ontario, Canada
The nearest herds to the North Pole are Peary caribou, among the tiniest of their kind. (Caribou is the same species, rangifer tarandus, as the reindeer of ...
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Santa's reindeer started with poem
Danbury News Times - Danbury,CT,USA
Santa Claus never even had reindeer (or even a sleigh) Reindeer (sometimes called caribou, although true caribou are a bit bigger) have been around for a ...
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SBritish Columbia's Wolf Kill Folly
Pacific Free Press - Victoria,BC,Canada
by Chris Darimont & Chris Genovali With dismay we read Larry Pynn's article (Wolves killed to protect caribou, Dec. 15) regarding the BC government's ...
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Santa's hooved helpers endangered
Youth Radio.us - Houston,Texas,USA
One of the many species of reindeer at threat is the mountain caribou. Mountain caribou are the southernmost of all types of reindeer and inhabit British ...
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OTUS THE HEAD CAT : In truth, the song should go Rudolph, the ...
Arkansas Democrat Gazette - AR,USA
It is the cruel lesson of Rudolph the red-nosed caribou. Rudolph was, in fact, a caribou. Having been born on the southern fringes of Baffin Island, ...
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Wrangell- St.Elias NP & P | Murie Science & Learning Center
... Selected Rare Vascular Plant Taxa Found throughout Alaska; The Decline of the Chisana Caribou Herd: Assessing Population Dynamics and Recovery Efforts ...
Canadian Web Directory at Webpedia.ca
Conservation experiment to preserve the Chisana caribou herd. Includes a daily journal, photos and educational information. » Department of Environment ...
Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Most notably among these projects and respecting the YWP needs, Rick was the project manager of the international Chisana herd caribou recovery program ...
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
Boat ramps are located at Chisana River, 1/4-mile .... Caribou from two seperate . herds use the refuge. during their migration. between wintering areas and ...
Full text of "In the Alaska-Yukon gamelands;"
Of interest in the present connection is the evidence that the herds of migratory caribou that cross the Yukon River in the vicinity of Fairbanka belong to ...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Caribou News December 15, 2008

Wolves killed to protect caribou
Vancouver Sun - British Columbia, Canada
The BC government killed 24 wolves over the past year to save mountain caribou but has so far not met its commitment to protect additional forestlands for ...
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Dwindling of caribou herd remains a mystery
StarPhoenix - Saskatoon,Saskatchewan,Canada
How can thousands of barren ground caribou just vanish? Some believe the caribou were spooked by mining exploration and industry up north, chasing them away ...
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BC's quiet war on wolves
Globe and Mail - Canada
Not surprisingly, the radio study has shown that wolves and caribou often cross each other's tracks. It isn't known, however, how often wolves actually kill ...
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British Columbia: Killing Wild Horses for Wolf Bait
Pacific Free Press - Victoria,BC,Canada
Commonsense tells us that to save the caribou and other species we have to protect where they live without interference from overt human activity. ...
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Pittsburgh Post Gazette
This week, parents with young children are likely to be quizzed ...
Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Pittsburgh,PA,USA
In North America caribou occur almost exclusively in Canada and Alaska. European reindeer roam northern Scandinavia and Russia. Much of the European herd, ...
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Clearcut raises concerns for threatened caribou
Vancouver Sun - British Columbia, Canada
"It's to the point these caribou are probably going to become extinct in this area." West Moberly land-use manager Bruce Muir said the Ministry of Energy, ...
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Fooled by Nature - Caribou Migration
By admin
On Animal Planet’s “Fooled by Nature,” this pesky bloodsucking creature heavily influences the migration of the caribou. Caribou will go miles out of their way just to avoid the stinging bites of the mosquito. Duration : 0:2:1 ...
Politics and Culture - http://www.assess.asia/

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Caribou News Dec 9, 2008

Global Warming: Point Of No Return For The Arctic?
Free Internet Press - New York,NY,USA
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising much faster than elsewhere in the world. Researchers now say it may be the result of a dramatic shift in global ...
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No Stevens, no drilling?
Indian Country Today - Canastota,NY,USA
The 123000 caribou feed the Gwich’in Nation as well as the Inupiat peoples. The Gwich’in are caribou people, and have lived off the Porcupine Caribou herd ...
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Survey suggests another caribou herd in steep decline
CTV.ca - Canada
A new study of one of Canada's largest caribou herds seems to confirm fears that it is undergoing a steep and mysterious decline. The Beverly caribou herd, ...

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British Columbia: Killing Wildlife to "Save" Wildlife
Pacific Free Press - Victoria,BC,Canada
It's part of a program to increase the population of endangered mountain caribou. In addition, the Ministry of Forests has been paying aboriginal people to ...
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Canadian native leader warns climate conference about changes in ...
Erasmus says once abundant herds of caribou are dwindling, rivers are running lower and the ice in the north is too thin to hunt on.Erasmus has raised his concerns in recent days on the sidelines of a UN climate conference under way in ...
Oilweek Online - http://www.oilweek.com/

Native hunters: Climate is thinning caribou herds

By ARTHUR MAX, Associated Press Writer Arthur Max, Associated Press Writer 2 hrs 24 mins ago

POZNAN, Poland – Chief Bill Erasmus of the Dene nation in northern Canada brought a stark warning about the climate crisis: The once abundant herds of caribou are dwindling, rivers are running lower and the ice is too thin to hunt on.

Erasmus raised his concerns in recent days on the sidelines of a U.N. climate conference, seeking to ensure that North America's indigenous peoples are not left out in the cold when it comes to any global warming negotiations.

Erasmus, the 54-year-old elected leader of 30,000 native Americans in Canada, and representatives of other indigenous peoples met with the U.N's top climate official, Yvo de Boer, and have lobbied national delegations to recognize them as an "expert group" that can participate in the talks like other nongovernment organizations.

"We bring our traditional knowledge to the table that other people don't have," he said.

Nearly 11,000 national and environmental delegates from 190 countries are negotiating a treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which regulates emissions of carbon dioxide that scientists blame for global warming. The protocol expires in 2012.

The alliance of native peoples include groups from the forests of Borneo to the depths of the Amazon.

De Boer said he advised the alliance to draw up a proposal and muster support among the national delegations to have their group approved by the countries involved in the talks.

"To give indigenous people and local communities a voice in these discussions is very important," said Kim Carstensen, the climate change director for WWF International.

Erasmus, from Yellow Knife in Canada's Northwest Territories about 300 miles (480 kilometers) south of the Arctic Circle, brings firsthand experience of climate change.


he caribou, or reindeer, herds are declining across North America and northern Europe, he said.

"We can't hunt because the ice is not frozen yet. Our hunters are falling through the ice, and lives are being lost," Erasmus told The Associated Press. This winter the normally dry area has been covered by thick, wet snow, further hampering hunting, he said.

Petroleum extraction from the Canadian tar sands is draining the underground water table and reducing the flow of the rivers northward, and the effects are felt hundreds of miles away, he said.

He is concerned that warmer winters will mean less luxurious fur on the muskrat and beaver that his people sell.

Nearly 40 years ago, he said, tribal elders noticed changes in the annual migrations of animals. The weather, which they could forecast three weeks in advance from animal behavior and the appearance of the sunsets, is now unpredictable.

Scientists have warned that conditions in the Arctic are a barometer of climate change. The region is warming faster than more temperate zones, and the seas are ice-free for longer periods. The melting of the permafrost threatens to release stored methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, U.N. scientists have reported.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Caribou News Nov 24 2008 "Caribou barometer"

Caribou 'barometer'
Winnipeg Sun - Canada
By PAUL TURENNE, SUN MEDIA So goes the North, so go the caribou; so go the caribou, so goes the North. That is the message an Ontario-based researcher will ...
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How to produce oil from ANWR and preserve it too
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
The chant evokes images of an Oklahoma-style land rush with wildcat drill rigs lined up ready to charge across the tundra at daybreak scattering caribou and ...
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Appeals court rules against Arctic drilling plan
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
... environmental review before concluding that harm to whales, caribou and other Arctic wildlife either would be insignificant or could be mitigated. ...
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Caribou News November 17 2008

Week in review
Anchorage Daily News - Anchorage,AK,USA
Slaughtering wolves on the Alaska Peninsula appears to have had the desired effect -- more caribou got a chance to live, according to biologists with the ...
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Environmentalists seek boreal forest protection
Business Edge - Calgary,Alberta,Canada
However, Wells counters that, despite the best efforts of industry, activity in the region threatens mammals such as the woodland caribou, which he says are ...
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Sarah Palin's support for aerial wolf killing may have merit
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
Experts, citing the removal of predators as a major factor, say more caribou in the Southern Alaska Peninsula herd are surviving. ...
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Tracking the caribou
By jobs(jobs)
Three caribou from a larger herd that we saw in Denali National Park, Alaska. Look carefully at the one on the left. It has a belt around it's neck, with a box at the bottom. Most likely a tracking device. I didn't see it at the time, ...
snaps from the frames of life - http://snapjobs.blogspot.com/

Taiga Net: Caribou
Porcupine Caribou Population Model: Demo Versions ... Project Caribou: an educator's guide to wild caribou of North America · Human Role in Reindeer/ Caribou ...

Portion of Fortymile caribou hunt closes Sunday at midnight
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
FAIRBANKS — The federal winter subsistence hunt for Fortymile caribou will close in part of unit 20E on Sunday at midnight because caribou from the Nelchina ...

There's more to bike lanes than lost parking spots
St. Catharines Standard - St. Catharines,Ontario,Canada
Additional bike lanes are analogous to the caribou, a symbol of how we see and how we want our future to unfold. Those fighting the pipeline in favour of ...
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Wolf meddlers have been kept at bay
Calgary Herald - AB, Canada
With a combination of state-conducted wolf slaughter and no limits on wolf trapping, Alaska sought to increase moose and caribou populations. ...
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Caribou News Oct 1 2008

Caribou slaughter charges may be months off
Fort Mills Times - Fort Mill,SC,USA
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A state prosecutor says it could be a few months before charges are filed in the mass caribou killing near Point Hope. ...
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Caribou News Sept 15, 2008

Campbell Plan No Plan for Caribou
Pacific Free Press - Victoria,BC,Canada
But in reality, the issues that would make and life-or-death difference to the mountain caribou had not been determined: where would the protection be ...
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Ecomuseum teams with CPAWS to save caribou
The Suburban - Montreal,Quebec,Canada
Anne de Bellevue to promote conservation for the woodland caribou. Caribou live in boreal forests, Tundra and in the Gaspesie. CPAWS is most concerned with ...
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Caribou News September 2 2008

Species at risk program targets woodland caribou for protection
Lake of the Woods Enterprise - Kenora,Canada
The woodland caribou tops the list of new species at risk monitoring funding in the Northwest as 12 new stewardships projects were announced last week. ...
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Palin at odds with Canada on Arctic refuge drilling
Vancouver Sun - British Columbia, Canada
Canadians who oppose oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because of its potential impact on shared caribou herds will be "horrified" at the ...
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Informal Survey of Alaskan Caribou Indicate 76% Favor Nomination ...
By noreply@blogger.com (Michael Levin)
The caribou, named Pete, told reporters that “slightly more than three out of four Alaskan caribou would like to see Governor Palin win election as Vice President of the United States. She’sa great shot, and we’re tired of losing ...
Funniest Blog in America - http://funniestbloginamerica.blogspot.com/

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rangifer (caribou) and other academic journals free online

I stumbled across this info because of an announcement by Rangifer the journal of Research, Management and Husbandry of Reindeer and other Northern Ungulates that beginning with volume 28 (2008) is available free online.

For those interested in Rangifer, the journal in its entirety can be accessed at


The exciting part that makes this relevant to everyone is that the e-cover for the journal says it is an:

“An Open Journal System-solution”

The Open Journal System is part of a bigger project “Public Knowledge Project” that is a partnership between UBC, SFU and Stanford University. The list of journals is extensive and includes journals relevant to communication, biodiversity, ecology, wildlife, etc. and is probably worth revisiting to look for additions to the list.

The list of journals can be found at:



Vicki McCollum, Librarian & ATIPP Coordinator
Client Services
Department of Environment

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Caribou News April 3, 2008

Four strikes
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Reduced wolf populations will recover as the moose and caribou do. This is a control effort, and so complaints that it is is “unfair” to the wolves ...
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Ethics and wolf control
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Prohibiting another tool — aerial control — until an “irreversible decline” in caribou or moose populations is underway, as Ballot Measure No. ...

The endangered Porcupine Caribou Herd
By Yasmine(Yasmine)
The people from Old Crow have depended on the Porcupine Caribou Herd for survival for thousands of years. The migration of the herd is the reson the village was established in its present location. In Old Crow a can of beans in tomaoe ...
Life on a homestead in the Yukon... - http://yukon-wilderness.blogspot.com/

There are other values at stake
Bismarck Tribune - ND, USA
The caribou herds wouldn't suffer at all, if anything they'd be helped by the warmth coming from the pipelines as it melted snow and allowed more vegetation ...
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Downtown Banff gets a makeover
Canada.com - Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
A local artist designed bronze sidewalk art featuring caribou, wolf and buffalo who guard their respective street corners. Everything is custom and feels ...
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Ethics and wolf control
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Prohibiting another tool — aerial control — until an “irreversible decline” in caribou or moose populations is underway, as Ballot Measure No. ...
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Aerial hunting measure back on the ballot
KTUU - Anchorage,AK,USA
Ballot measure 2 says private citizens will no longer be allowed to kill animals from airplanes in order to boost low moose and caribou populations. ...
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Polar bear eaten by shark
Times of India - India
Bits of animals including caribou have been found in Greenland shark stomachs in the past -- scavenged or attacked swimming. Campana said there was even a ...
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Elder supervision, hunter education could prevent carnage
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
By PAT VALKENBURG Recently, many Alaskans were shocked and appalled to see front page pictures of caribou calves trying to suckle from their dead mothers ...
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How do you make Canadian wolves sterile?
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Minneapolis,MN,USA
In Canada, mountain caribou are dying and officials believe wolves are the culprit, said Callahan, a wildlife biologist and executive director of the center ...
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Caribou slaughter
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
The mass slaughter of caribou in Northwest Alaska was a shocking crime and an abominable violation of hunting ethics. Community leaders in Point Hope, ...
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Caribou killings
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Mowry wrote that the troopers believe that the caribou were killed between July 4-8 as the herd migrated through the area. He also reported that the ...
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Protecting wildlife
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
The slaughter of 60 or more caribou in Northwest Alaska last month was quite simply a jaw-dropper. Those pictures of caribou calves trying to suckle from ...
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Readers respond to Point Hope caribou slaughter
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
The photo of the Point Hope caribou calves trying to suckle their dead mothers is one of the most heart-wrenching sights I've ever seen! ...
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Caribou News August 5, 2008

How do you make Canadian wolves sterile?
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Minneapolis,MN,USA
In Canada, mountain caribou are dying and officials believe wolves are the culprit, said Callahan, a wildlife biologist and executive director of the center ...
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Caribou slaughter
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
The mass slaughter of caribou in Northwest Alaska was a shocking crime and an abominable violation of hunting ethics. Community leaders in Point Hope, ...
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Caribou killings
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Mowry wrote that the troopers believe that the caribou were killed between July 4-8 as the herd migrated through the area. He also reported that the ...
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Protecting wildlife
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
The slaughter of 60 or more caribou in Northwest Alaska last month was quite simply a jaw-dropper. Those pictures of caribou calves trying to suckle from ...
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Caribou News July 2008

Google News Alert for: caribou

Huge land purchase is good news for Mountain Caribou
Wildsight - Kimberley,BC,Canada
“This area—with its rare old growth forests—is crucial habitat for the recovery of Mountain Caribou in southeast BC” The NCC and Canada’s Federal Government ...
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BC 'Darkwoods' saved in Canada's biggest private land buy
Canada.com - Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
... Kootenay cities Nelson and Creston and provide a sanctuary for wide-ranging grizzly bears, cougars, wolves, elk and a herd of rare woodland caribou. ...
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Tract of BC forest set to be saved for caribou
Globe and Mail - Canada
VANCOUVER -- An endangered population of mountain caribou is expected to be the focus of an announcement today billed as "a conservation initiative of ...
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Caribou to benefit from new conservation area
Metro Canada - Vancouver - Vancouver,Canada
BC’s endangered mountain caribou received some help from the federal government yesterday when it was announced that 550 square kilometres of ecologically ...
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Troopers investigating Point Hope caribou waste
Arctic Sounder - Anchorage,AK,USA
Alaska Wildlife Troopers are investigating a report of large scale caribou carnage in Point Hope, on Alaska’s North Slope. The troopers, acting on a tip, ...
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Caribou News July 9, 2008

WWF Canada - Sponsored Projects - Increasing calf survival in a ...
In addition to increasing the size of the Chisana Herd population immediately, ... assist other conservation efforts for the woodland caribou across Canada. ...

Drilling for oil in Alaska would be a waste of resources
The Jackson Citizen Patriot - MLive.com - Jackson,MI,USA
Disturbing the area of the reserve in which caribou find their calving grounds is certainly enough to bother them. When I say bother, I mean interrupt their ...
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Bipartisan effort can get America off foreign oil
Pueblo Chieftain - Pueblo,CO,USA
Not only that, we will upset the migratory routes of a few thousand caribou. Of course, the caribou don’t worry about the price of gasoline, but it would be ...
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Past time to drill offshore and in ANWR
Ventura County Star - Camarillo,CA,USA
We are protecting everything from the caribou to, I am sure, some obscure insect. The only thing we are not protecting is the American worker and his family ...
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Monday, June 30, 2008

Caribou News June 2008

Good for species - and business
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
Woodland caribou, a threatened species, are losing range at a rate of 34 kilometres a decade. Yet the Ontario Forestry Coalition denies the peer-reviewed ...

Technology offers many solutions
Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery,AL,USA
Elevated pipelines in Alaska allow caribou and polar bears to roam freely. Even oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico survived the might of Hurricane Katrina. ...
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The Truth About ANWR Drilling
Heritage.org - Washington,DC,USA
Don’t you think that the Caribou really hate that drilling? Hey, this bear seems to really hate the pipeline near Prudhoe Bay, which accounts for 17% of US ...

Reader views: Should Congress lift its moratorium on offshore oil ...
The Tennessean - Nashville,TN,USA
Let's quit worrying about the caribou and worry about the people who can't afford to go to work due to the price of gas. The caribou will continue to ...

Environmentalists, Congress foil energy: 2 letters
Denver Post - Denver,CO,USA
They said the caribou would not survive it. Yet caribou now thrive right next to the pipeline. Even if we had the oil, we haven’t built a refinery in the ...

Bateman nature prints support Ontario Parks research

Sault Star - Sault Ste-Marie,Ontario,Canada

They depict wildlife in provincial parks: a woodland caribou in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, a polar bear in Polar Bear Provincial Park, a common loon ...

Why does Kevin Drum hate caribou?
By Gadfly(Gadfly)
Uhh, Kevin, 123000 caribou of the Porcupine herd whose summer calving grounds would be disturbed would disagree strenuously. Personally, I'd look at ANWR as a bargaining chip. I don't have much interest in drilling there, ...
SocraticGadfly - http://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/

Oilsands watchdog calls for more protected area in northern Alberta
CBC.ca - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Such protection is needed, the report says, to stop the decline of old-growth forests, woodland caribou, black bear, moose and other species in the ...
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Worry for jobs getting in way of Endangered Species Act ...
Daily Miner and News - Kenora,Ontario,Canada
“The real issue is around woodland caribou, but that’s so rarely stated,” reflects Brian MacLaren of Thunder Bay Field Naturalists. “What’s interesting for ...
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Chewin’ the fat — literally — while living in the Arctic
Daily Gleaner - Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada
I loved watching AND eating caribou while I was there. Some days it was given to me in boxes, chopped into steaks and roasts, ready for cooking; ...
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Protect more wilderness
Ottawa Citizen - Ontario, Canada
... other jurisdictions to ensure that the large stretches of intact Boreal forest, which woodland caribou depend upon for their survival, are also protected.
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Want to Lower Oil Prices? Try Drilling Oil, Not Grilling Oil ...
North Star Writers Group - Grand Rapids,MI,USA
One reason the Democrats and John McCain give for not drilling is to protect the caribou. That’s laughable. Ever been to Alaska? Herds of caribou saunter ...
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The great caribou crash: article by Ed Struzik

The great caribou crash:
Climate change after the last Great Ice Age killed many of the large mammals of the Arctic, like the wooly mammoth and the American lion.
That may be a cautionary tale for the caribou

by Ed Struzik
Edmonton Journal
May 4, 2008

In the summer of 1996, biologist Frank Miller was flying along the coast of Bathurst Island searching for Peary caribou, an animal found only in the High Arctic of Canada, when he spied a dark spot on the sea ice.

Assuming it might be a small herd migrating to a nearby island, he instructed the pilot to go in for a closer look. Seconds later, he could see that these animals were not the caribou he was looking for. They were muskoxen, shaggy prehistoric-looking animals that survived the last Great Ice Age.

The circle of animals didn't bolt as they normally do when an aircraft hovers nearby. So Miller got the pilot to land a few hundred metres away. Even as he approached on foot, the herd didn't flinch. Try as he did to figure out why, Miller couldn't come up with an answer. As he moved closer, it dawned on him -- they were all dead.

The animals were frozen stiff and leaning against each other like statues that had been knocked over against each other by the wind.

"It was one of the most strange and gruesome things I'd ever seen as a biologist," the Edmonton-based researcher recalls.

"They were probably on their last legs and starving when they headed out across the sea ice searching for better food conditions on another island. But they didn't have the energy to get through the deep snow. So when they tried to dig down and discovered there was nothing there but sea ice, they just gave it up.

"The snow then melted and eventually hardened around their bellies. That's why some of them were still standing upright after they had died."

In the weeks that followed, Miller saw plenty of the succulent saxifrage flowers that Peary caribou feed on, but precious few animals and not a single calf at that time of year.

What he did discover with alarming regularity were the carcasses of caribou and muskoxen strewn across the tundra. By the time Miller completed his study that summer, he had counted just 300 live animals, a small fraction of what he had expected to see. When the die-off finally ended two years later, almost 98 per cent of the caribou that were on the south-central Queen Elizabeth Islands three years earlier were gone.

Overall, Peary caribou did not fare well in the last half of the 1990s. The High Arctic population is in such deep trouble now that the Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada has recommended the Peary caribou remain on the endangered list.

The Peary, however, is not the only population of caribou in North America on the decline. Since the mid- to late-1980s, many of the great herds in North America have been in a free fall.

The Bathurst herd in the Central Arctic numbered 472,000 in 1986. Today, it is down to 128,000. The Cape Bathurst herd had 17,500 animals in 1992. Now there are no more than 1,800. Over in Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, the Porcupine caribou herd has declined from 178,000 animals in 1989 to the 123,000 biologists counted the last time they were able to do a comprehensive census.

In places like the south-central coast of the Canadian Arctic, there are so few animals left that arecovery may never happen.

Not only is this threatening the future of the lucrative sports hunt in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, it also threatens to strike at the heart and soul of Inuit, Gwich'in, Dene and Métis cultures.

In most communities, the measure of a hunter is judged by his skill in killing enough animals to feed not only his family but other members of the community who may not be healthy or old enough to go out on the land. A single caribou also saves a family $500 to $1,500 that they might otherwise have to spend on store-bought meat.

"It will have a large impact on the people because it's one of the main things you put on the dinner table," Paul Voudrach, chairman of the Tuktoyaktuk hunters and trappers' committee, said recently when a large area of caribou habitat in the western Arctic was declared off-limits to hunters.

"People tell me they don't like it, but I tell them it's their grandchildren they should be thinking about."

No one knows what exactly is going on with caribou. Climate change, overhunting, human activities and industrial development are all likely playing a role. So perhaps are contaminants that are creeping into the animals' food supply.

"But one thing that is certain," says Anne Gunn, a biologist with 30 years of caribou research behind her, "we cannot afford to dither, given the rate of changes we are unleashing across the Arctic regions. In addition to the roads, pipelines, mines and other things we have built, or plan to build on caribou habitat, global warming is already threatening the future of these animals.

Collapses in caribou populations are nothing new.

In the 1.6 million years the animals have roamed the circumpolar Arctic, there have been countless ebbs and flows in the numbers.

Back in the late 1970s, for example, there were so few animals remaining in the Qamanirjuak herd on the barrenlands of what is now west-central Nunavut that scientists were urging the Inuit to stop hunting them.

Then they watched with amazement and some disbelief as the numbers went from a low of 39,000 in 1980 to 230,000 in 1983, 260,000 in 1987 and then 496,000 the last time the animals were counted in 1994.

Part of the problem back then, as it is to a lesser extent now that survey techniques have improved, is finding enough animals to get an accurate estimate of how many caribou there are on the range. Even a good count in a year when weather and migratory animals cooperate, has a possibility of error of plus or minus 10 per cent. In other less favourable cases, it can be as high as 20 per cent.

The size of the range and the herds is simply too big to get a more accurate count economically.

Then there's always the possibility that a migration route or calving ground site has shifted before or during a census. Theoretically, that could increase the plus and minus percentages to much higher levels.

Scientists, however, have come to realize that the biggest reason for these ebbs and flows lie in a complex relationship between the caribou's ability to find food and its ability not to be food.

That relationship, Gunn suggests, is set to the rhythm of weather and climate.

Put simply, runs of cold, dry winters with less snow tend to favour caribou because there is little to slow them down and sap their energy while they're on the move or being chased by wolves. Less snow, especially the kind that is dense and hard-packed, also makes it easier for them to dig down to the vegetation they need in order to survive.

Runs of warm, wet winters, on the other hand, can be brutal for the opposite reasons. Not only is there a possibility that the snow will be deep during the long migration to the calving grounds, thawing and melting can cause some of it to ice over.

If those winters are followed by hot, dry summers that favour parasites, biting flies and fires that destroy nutritious lichen, the results can be catastrophic.

No one knows how weather can affect caribou more than Miller.

The die-off of 1996 wasn't the first time he observed a decline in the High Arctic population. He saw almost the exact scenario play itself out when he went up in 1974.

Initially, Miller was concerned that he may have missed something or done something wrong that summer. A survey 13 years earlier suggested there were as many as 26,000 animals in the High Arctic and as many as 4,000 in the area he was surveying.

Only when he searched through the meteorological records for clues to what might have happened did he come up with an explanation.

Those records showed that the freezing rain that occurred in fall of 1973 was followed by heavy snow in winter and recurring periods of thawing and freezing the following spring. As a result, much of the Queen Elizabeth Islands had been transformed into a giant, snow-covered skating rink. The ice was likely so thick in most places the animals often couldn't get through to the vegetation. Those that were successful probably spent more energy than they received.

Anne Gunn says no one should be surprised that a warmer Arctic may not be good for caribou.

Many of the large mammals of the Arctic, she notes, -- the wooly mammoth, Yukon horses, Alaskan camels, short-faced bears and American lions -- all died off during the 8,500 years the climate began warming after the last Great Ice Age ended.

Now those animals that are left are adapting to another period of warming that began 150 years ago when the Mini Ice Age ended around 1850. That natural warming is now being intensified by the emission of greenhouse gases.

Caribou, Gunn adds, likely survived that cycle of warming by dispersing and adapting to new habitats. That's why there are distinct sub-species today living in the forests, the mountains, the mainland tundra and the High Arctic.

What makes the future a potentially grim one for caribou, says Gunn, is the roads, pipelines, cutlines, mines and other human developments that are shrinking the size and the quality of the habitat these animals can move in and out from during weather events.

More important, it's encroaching on the calving grounds that are so critical for population growth.

"We still don't understand the relationship to calving grounds and caribou," says Gunn. "But everything we've learned over the years tells us that it is absolutely critical."

Weather isn't always the culprit when caribou numbers fall.

Back in 1980, when Gunn conducted a survey of caribou on Prince of Wales, Somerset and Russell islands along the south-central coast of the Arctic, she estimated a relatively healthy population of about 6,000. But when she went back 15 years later to count them again, there were so few animals left that her estimate of 100 was more hopeful than a reflection of what was actually there.

Try as she, Miller and others did in the years that followed, they had a difficult time figuring out what had happened. There was no evidence that weather was responsible. Nor was there any sign that muskoxen, which were on the rise at the time, had out-competed caribou for the limited supply of food. In fact, the diet of the muskox is quite different from that of caribou.

Unlikely as it was that the caribou moved en masse to another territory, the only other explanation was that humans hunted them down to such a low number that wolves and other natural factors prevented a recovery.

"It really could have been the sum of a lot of inconsequential things," says Gunn. "The fact is no one was monitoring the situation to see what was going on."

That wolves were part of the equation is no surprise. More than any other predator in the Arctic, wolves depend on caribou for their survival.

What makes this particular relationship an interesting one is the possibility that these wolves, which were already doing well with rising muskoxen numbers on the same range, developed a specialized means of hunting down their prey.

Inuit wildlife officer Joe Ashevak raised that prospect when he found the carcasses of 25 dead caribou strewn along a 15-kilometre stretch of the Garry River. Nine of the carcasses were located under a cliff. Like aboriginal hunters in North America, these wolves may have maximized their kills by chasing them over the edge.

Anne Gunn says there are lessons to be learned from the complacency that characterizes past management practices. The first is that more needs to be done to identify and understand the causes of declines so that conservation measures can be taken before it's too late.

Second, she says, the Inuit must also be directly involved in survey efforts and other studies so that they can buy into a strategy that might require them hunting less animals.

Not doing this in the past continues to haunt biologists and wildlife managers all across the North.

Ten years after the last major die-off of Peary caribou ended in 1998, the Inuit of the Arctic still don't believe the animal is in trouble and they continue to resist the proposal to keep the Peary on the endangered list.

Both federal and territorial government are also partly to blame. Not only do they not keep records of caribou kills in most aboriginal communities, they have also been reluctant to come up with funding to support the surveys that are needed to identify problems.

Caribou scientist Don Russell says there are other things that can be done ensure that the great caribou herds will be around in the future.

The former Canadian Wildlife Service scientist in the Yukon is now heading up CARMA, a joint effort by university scientists, government scientists and managers, industry, and community organizations to co-ordinate caribou research and monitoring throughout the world. That research, he says, could be used to identify and react to problems

before it is too late to do anything about them.

Russell is also hoping that the data CARMA collects will help wildlife managers better identify and protect those areas which provide caribou with the food they need to get through winter and those areas which cows and calves can escape to when insect harassment is at its worst.

"Here in the Yukon side of the border, we've done a pretty good job identifying and protecting those areas," he says. "We've created Ivvavik and Vuntut National parks and a special conservation area east of there under the Inuvialuit land claim.

"But the herd's calving and post-calving range in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska could still be opened up to oil and gas development if the energy industry gets its way. All the research that's been done indicates that this is one of the most important habitats for the herd."

Like Gunn, Russell warns that Canada cannot afford to be complacent now that industry is moving into the North to exploit oil and gas, diamonds and uranium in and around critical caribou habitat.

"We've seen continental-wide declines occur before during the First and the Second World Wars and again in the 1970s," says Russell. "But this time, for a variety of obvious reasons, the declines could be steeper and the recoveries much slower if they occur at all."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Caribou News May 20, 2008

Forestry endangered by species act: OFIA; Act poses 'single ...
Timmins Daily Press - Timmins,Ontario,Canada
The association believes broad areas of forest may become protected as caribou habitat. As a result, the forest industry would face a severe reduction in ...
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State's largest caribou herd falls by 20 percent
Fort Mills Times - Fort Mill,SC,USA
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — State biologists say the Western Arctic Caribou Herd, the state's largest, shrank by 20 percent between 2003 and 2007. ...
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Democrats introduce bill aimed at boosting polar bear protection
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Fairbanks,AK,USA
Louie Gohmert said those who oppose opening ANWR fail to take into account that caribou on the North Slope consider hot oil an aphrodisiac, ...
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Dramatic installation contributes to Alaska art
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
The six stylized gray plastic caribou are suspended by cables to form a graceful arch from floor to ceiling. They fill the room in an inviting arrangement ...
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State's largest caribou herd shrinking
Anchorage Daily News (subscription) - Anchorage,AK,USA
By KYLE HOPKINS Alaska's largest caribou herd shrank by more than 20 percent between 2003 and 2007, according to a new count from the state Department of ...
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Caribou in the News (April-May)

Global warming tied to Arctic caribou decline
The Province - Vancouver,BC,Canada
flying along the coast of Bathurst Island searching for Peary caribou, found only in the High Arctic of Canada, when he spied a dark spot on the sea ice. ...
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Caribou, not oil: Biologist tracks herd for the cause
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
By Kristina Lindgren The caribou might be majestic and the ancient Gwich'in people dependent on them for survival, but when it comes to the oil under the ...
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Global warming linked to caribou-calf mortality
Penn State Live - PA,USA
University Park, Pa. -- A team of scientists has provided, for the first time, a detailed map of how the building blocks of chromosomes, the cellular ...
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“Trophic mismatch” killing Greenland caribou
Nunatsiaq News - Iqaluit,Nunavut,Canada
Caribou calves are dying more frequently in West Greenland because of climate change, says a new study. Eric Post, a biology professor from Penn State ...

Chisana Caribou on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Rare sighting of a few members of the Chisana Caribou herd, a small group which crosses the Alaska Hwy. Spring and Autumn just north of kluane Lake, ...
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Alberta suspends use of strychnine to kill wolves near caribou ...
The Canadian Press - EDMONTON
EDMONTON — Alberta has suspended its use of deadly strychnine to kill wolves near a threatened caribou herd and is reviewing the use of the poison to ...
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Caribou Rosemary and Partridgeberry Stew
By Le Chef Secret(Le Chef Secret)
The sharpness of the partridgeberries balances out the sweetness of the vegetables and the earthy flavour of the rosemary goes well with the caribou. The recipe calls for the potatoes to be in the stew but I always like mine roasted on ...
Rock Recipes - http://rockrecipes.blogspot.com/

Biologists study smaller caribou herds
LocalNews8.com - Idaho Falls,ID,USA
AP - April 27, 2008 5:24 PM ET COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) - A group of scientists are studying a small herd of mountain caribou that make their home in ...
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Alberta govt. suspends wolf-poisoning program
Canada.com - Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
Provincial officials argue wolves are the biggest threat to caribou populations and will continue to shoot the predators from helicopters in the Little ...
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ANWR drilling benefits Americans
Minnesota Daily - Minneapolis,MN,USA
The environmental lobbyists pressured President Bill Clinton to veto ANWR legislation in the '90s, citing risks to Caribou population and native Alaskan ...
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Pushing ANWR now
Anchorage Times - Anchorage,AK,USA
The interviews are invariably accompanied by footage of a large herd of caribou, but what they don't mention is that the caribou scene is obviously in the ...
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Development ensnaring our wildlife
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
And so, in 1984, an estimated 10000 caribou drowned crossing the Caniapiscau River where they had always crossed. That year they found only water without ...
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Global Warming Linked to Caribou-Calf Mortality
Fewer caribou calves are being born and more of them are dying in West Greenland as a result of a warming climate.
Wild Biology News - http://www.wildbiology.com/

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Caribou News April 3, 2008

The Last Hunters
Mother Earth News - Topeka,KS,USA
Subsisting largely on the Porcupine Caribou Herd, the Gwich'in claim they're
fighting Big Oil and Congress to preserve the very essence of their people: ...
See all stories on this topic

The Last Hunters

Grey ghosts; Locals fear caribou herds falling victim to the coyote
Western Star - Corner Brook,Newfoundland and Labrador,Canada
The scale of the place, along with the easy foraging, has made the area a snowy paradise for woodland caribou. The scene is almost complete. It’s all there, ...
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The coyote's invasion and the caribou's decline
Western Star - Corner Brook,Newfoundland and Labrador,Canada
Dramatic declines in the province's caribou population in recent years has

caused alarm for outdoor enthusiasts and government alike. ...
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Caribou Plan Doomed to Failure

VOCM - St. John’s,NL,Canada
A person who spent over 30 years in the bush as a wildlife officer is worried about
the state of the caribou population. Don Sutton says they noticed a ...
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Mooin, The Bear’s Child
By sipsis
Then Caribou stepped up and, thrusting her long antlers into the crack, she tried
to pry the stone loose, but only broke off one of her antlers. It was no use. In the
end, all gave up. They could not move the stone. ...
Bio-Regional Animism - http://bioregionalanimism.org

Fur flying over animal control tactics
Edmonton Sun - Alberta, Canada
A grander goal - often overlooked - is to find a kinder way of keeping the wolves in
this province from driving woodland caribou to extinction. ...
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Caribou News March 17, 2008

Province says wolf sterilization program not a done deal
Rocky Mountain Outlook - Canmore,Alberta,Canada
It would have less impact on regional wolf populations and allow one to selectively target packs affecting species of interest, such as caribou. ...
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Life Going On
Walrus Magazine - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
by Emilie Cameron It’s not uncommon to see a whole caribou carcass on the kitchen floor at the Niptanatiaks. This time, I help Grace cut the meat into cubes ...
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South Lee Mailbag: Drill for oil in US
The News-Press - Fort Myers,FL,USA
The Caribou herds have increased in size as well. We've also been told that we have 131 billion barrels of oil and 1000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas ...
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The Caribou Hunter
Walrus Magazine - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
In the spring, when Michael had applied for his caribou hunting licence, I was curious and felt a challenge. I asked if I could go with him. ...
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Two girls celebrate tradition on successful caribou hunt
Tundra Drums - Anchorage,AK,USA

They first had to obtain caribou tags from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. People in the workplace and community members were called to let them ...

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Washington poacher gets jail time
Seattle Post Intelligencer - USA
The two men were accused of illegally killing, then wasting the meat of two sub-legal Dall sheep, a moose, a brown bear and a caribou over a 10-day period. ...
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Wildlife cops target country food smugglers
Nunatsiaq News - Iqaluit,Nunavut,Canada
Don't take fish or caribou out of Nunavik unless you can prove that you caught them yourself. This the gist of a recent warning from Quebec to residents of ...
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