[Editor's note: Sorry for the long period since the last posting...my source, Google Alerts, went AWOL for a while. I really like this first story!]
Kimberley School shows thier concern for caribou
North Thompson Times - Clearwater,British Columbia,Canada... teachers and parents from Lindsay Park Elementary School in Kimberley, BC, bent and stretched their bodies to from a 100-foot mountain caribou to help raise ...
Overhunting by explorer blamed for tiny Peary caribou herds
Edmonton Journal (subscription) - Edmonton,Alberta,CanadaCould polar explorer Robert Peary have pushed a small population of pint-sized caribou to the verge of extinction on Ellesmere Island? ...
Caribou at risk with all mining activity, biologist warns
Nunatsiaq News - Iqaluit,Nunavut,Canada
Caribou can be affected by every phase of mining activity, beginning with exploration, says Leslie Wakelyn, a contract biologist with the Beverly and ...
Caribou left out of uranium talks
Nunatsiaq News - Iqaluit,Nunavut,Canada
The Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board was not pleased to learn that Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is drafting a policy for ...
Board to set predator control boundaries
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner -
Fairbanks,AK,USA... Most of the proposals are aimed at killing more bears and wolves to increase the number of moose and caribou for sport and subsistence hunters throughout the ...
Many culprits active in caribou decline
Globe and Mail - CanadaBy MARK HUME. VANCOUVER -- It's easy to tell when a wolf pack has killed a caribou. From the frenzy of tracks left in the snow, you ...