Hello Project Caribou fans: your input sought for a new edition...
Many of you will have heard the news…Project Caribou (www.projectcaribou.net) is on the way to being translated into French! A big "merci" to Diane Ostiguy and the QC Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife for this contribution.
Along with this comes a great opportunity to do the updates and re-issue of which we have been considering over the last year. There will be some revisions being made in the main text (including a section on climate change effects) but most changes will be made in the Contacts, Resources and Case Studies sections.
Your input on any of the revisions are invited! Contributions of new case studies would be welcome.
Please contact olivia.hell@gov.yk.ca with your input.
By the end of March, we should have a revised English document (and the French language version) ready for posting and/or reprinting. Your thoughts on hard copy? Do we need "dead tree" versions or are PDFs sufficient? Does anyone have funds for assisting with reprints?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Mr. Remy Rodden
Manager, Environmental Education and Youth Programs
Yukon Department of Environment (V-18)
Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
(867) 667-3675 or 1-800-661-0408
Fax (867) 393-6206