Animal Antics - The Barren-ground Caribou: "
Animal Antics is an EcoKids comic strip about the “antics” of Canadian wildlife. Xalibu the Pawer is all about the barren-ground caribou. The name caribou likely came from the Micmac word “xalibu,” which means 'the one who paws.'
Our illustrator has drawn a series of pictures showing a herd of barren-ground caribou throughout the seasons, starting in winter. Each picture represents different caribou behaviour. But the comic strip is missing one very important element—the captions! So we need your help!
You can help by writing the words to go along with the pictures.
To help you write the captions for “Xalibu,” EcoKids has put together a Barren-ground Caribou Fact Sheet to give you some basic information and interesting facts.